Power generators require maintenance and service on a regular basis so that they keep providing power throughout the year without showing inefficiency. Most of the generator manufacturers provide information and expertise regarding maintenance and service. Big companies can afford to have in-house engineers to look after the performance of their power systems. However, it is not feasible for small businesses to hire a professional permanently to perform such activities. The blog post provides some valuable tips regarding power generator maintenance and how the service life of a generator can be increased.
The best deal is to buy power generators from a company that also provides maintenance and installation services. By doing so, you don’t have to worry about the overall condition of your generators. Following are some of the tips that you can follow in order to increase the performance and service life of your power generator.
Start with general inspection
A regular inspection is of utmost importance especially when you depend largely on your standby or backup power systems. After how many hours do you think you should change the engine oil in your generator? One of the basic and utterly important inspection activities is to change engine oil after a specific number of operational hours.
Service generator at least twice a year
Maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer can explain better that after how many hours or months a generator should be serviced. However, it is advisable to service domestic generators twice a year. Delay in scheduled service would cause troubles in long-terms. If your generator provider does not provide maintenance services, you better plan it yourself.
Batteries must be fully charged
A weak, expired, or undercharged battery is the common reason why power generators stop working unexpectedly. Therefore, to avoid this, you should inspect, charge or replace the battery regularly. Batteries should also be cleaned to prevent spills and dirt. Corrosion sometimes appears around the terminal that can be cleaned by removing cables and washing them with baking soda or other recommended liquid.
Routine engine exercise
It is recommended to start the generator engine at least once a month for few minutes. The possibility is that there would be no power interruption for months to come. Load bank testing is an effective and affordable technique to keep power systems healthy. As a small business, you can hire rental load bank service to meet your testing and commissioning needs.
As a part of regular inspection, leakages and oil spills should be given due attention. Regular maintenance keeps a generator efficient throughout its service life. Power Systems Plus provides dependable and effective rental load bank and other maintenance services in Edmonton. We also provide technical assistance to companies looking to get reliable backup power solutions. Feel free to call us and discuss your power and maintenance needs!